Umpire EvaluationHome Team:
Give an overall rating for each umpire based on the following scale: Plate Umpire:
Base Umpire:
Choose Y or N for
Each Question & Each Umpire Did the umpire arrive on time? Were they in the proper uniform in the proper condition? Did the official understand / conduct a pre-game conference? Did the crew communicate properly? Was proper focus / alertness demonstrated? Were the official's physical mechanics / style correct and appropriate? Did the official have proper initial positioning? Did the official move to the correct coverage positions during playing action? Were the calls loud / clear enough? Did the umpire "sell" calls when appropriate? Did the official have control of the game? Was the official aware of game situations? Did the umpire deal with managers / players adequately on & off the field? Were the rules of the game properly understood / applied? Was there consistency of rulings throughout the game? Did the official hustle? Was game flow / tempo maintained? Were the judgment calls accurate? Did the official demonstrate proper timing? Would you want to work with / request this umpire? Evaluator:
Please complete the entire rating sheet. Comments may be written in any section. |